Word Perfect Release and Availability Info 2/02/2001 (updated 10/14/2003) The following .zip archives consist of the Apple IIgs and IIe/IIc complete applications of Word Perfect, versions 2.x and 1.1 respectively. IIgs WordPerfectGS_3DiskSet.zip Set of three diskettes for systems without a hard disk. WordPerfectGS_forHardDisk.zip Set for systems which have a hard disk. For specifics, see WordPerfectGS_info.txt IIe/IIc WordPerfect2e2c_May2001.zip (WordPerfect for IIe and IIc) contains ... WP2e2c.shk WPinfo.txt Having obtained the rights for Word Perfect IIe/IIc v1.1 and WordPerfect IIgs v2.x in December of last year from the owner and copyright holder Larry Epstein his email is: laepstein@aol.com -- I hereby release them both into the public domain. The source codes are not available. If they had been I would have included them also. Cheers & Enjoy! Charles Turley