Puck.000 is a HyperCard IIgs stack containing the complete text of the book PUCK OF POOKS HILL by Rudyard Kipling. This stack of a book also has hypermedia capabilities - you can link any word or section of text to a note, a text file, a graphic, a sound, or an animation. In addition, you can switch between viewing the book and writing an essay on it. I have worked out a system for changing text files of books (e.g. the 1000 or so in Project Gutenberg) into these BookStacks, so I can make particular ones for people who need them. (Let us say, you have to do a report on Macbeth, and realize that it would be easier to do it in a BookStack). Contact me with suggestions or complaints. Praise is also welcome. -Gareth Jones gareth@vcn.bc.ca