Subj: Command.COM (SHK) II December 5, 1990 From: AFL Dyfet File: COMMAND.SHK (230985 bytes) DL time (14400 baud): < 4 minutes Download count: 52 AUTHOR: David Sugar EQUIPMENT: Enhanced Apple IIe, Apple IIc, or Apple IIgs w/ 3.5 drive NEEDS: ShrinkIt and a 3.5 disk to unpack OS: ProDOS 8 Keyword: Command.Com Command Com shell environment Shareware ProDOS 8 command shell and communications environment which supports true I/O redirection, piping, batch scripts, environments, wildcard filenames, external commands, etc. Command.COM is compatible with most Kyan KIX utilities. Communications environment supports loadable device drivers, terminal emulation, and X/Ymodem file transfers.