Progress report: last night I transferred the UCSDRAMdrive.dsk from laptop to Apple II and followed the instructions to set it up. Outcome: a 1,016 block ramdrive with all system files and > 600 free blocks on it. Also, it becomes the boot volume which basically means ALL operations can be carried out using the ramdrive. I tell you, it's uncanny to go in and out of the Filer, Editor, compile and run programs in utter silence with no floppies grinding away. Things go a lot faster too. Thanks again, Willi, for getting me the software. I have the chips to bump my RAMWorks II up from 512K to 1MB, but right now I can't see the incremental benefit, I'm spoiled for room as it is. Glitch: it worked fine on a plain vanilla 64K Pascal system, but the ramdrive initialization code had a problem when it ran on a 128K system *. While executing SYSTEM.STARTUP, it stopped with the message Put in : Press RETURN to continue or words to that effect. Pressing RETURN did nothing and I had to reboot. I will have to fiddle with this a bit more .. the software claims to work fine for both 64K & 128K, and all versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. * This does not refer to physical machine memory, but is a configuration of the Apple Pascal system. The 64K configuration will work on any 64K or above machine, but the 128K system obviously requires at least an extra 64K in the //e aux slot. The change involves replacing the normal SYSTEM.APPLE and SYSTEM.PASCAL with new 128K.APPLE and 128K.PASCAL files off the APPLE3: disk (renamed to SYSTEM.=)