Frank Townsend ( wrote: : I installed the chip into a memory-expansion-ready (? PEEK(64447)=3) IIc and : was NOT awestruck with the increase in speed. : I also ran Michael J. Mahon's Sound Editor (highly recommended!) and noted : normal sounding playback of a digital clip, which I thought strange since : Sound Editor requires that speaker accesses be slowed down in accelerated : Apples. : Does the RocketChip need to be switched-on somehow, or are there performance : bottle-necks somewhere else that prevent me from seeing much obvious speed : increase? Other things I might be doing wrong? --> From my RocketChip Installation Manual & User's guide: (Preliminary, November, 1988) Bits & Pieces Technology, Inc. 2.0 RocketChip Features: * Operates 5MHz to 50KHz - 5 times faster to 20 times slower than the normal Apple speed of 1MHz. * Requires very little power - Less than 100mA. * Easy to install and does not require a slot. * Standard power-up configuration or can be programmed by the user. * Keyboard selectable special features. * Emulation of AE Transwarp speed setting protocol. * Accelerates all memory locations: - System memory (64K or 128K). - Auxiliary memory up to 1.6 Megabytes. - Expansion ROMs. - Peripheral card ROMs. * Accelerates all 80 column operations. * Non-standard configurations of the RocketChip are retained until the power is turned off. 4.0 System Recommendations & Cautions: * If your floppy disk drive controller is not in either slot #5 or #6, you must use the Configuration program to set your floppy disk controller card slot to 1MHz by using APPLE.SLOT7-1. If you need to boot from the floppy disk that is not in slot #5 or #6, hold down the ESCape key during power up. * Do not use CACHE.SLOT7-1 or CACHE.EXP.ROM7-1 to accelerate an Apple SCSI, AE Ramfactor or any card that has bank-switched ROMs. * AUDIO.MUSIC and AUDIO.HIFI will slow down game play for any game that produces a lot of sound effects. * Any Apple II or II+ without a paddle/joystick attached will cold boot every time that CTL-RESET is hit. To delete this function, use IIPLUS.NOBOOT or install a paddle/joystick and then CTL-Z will provide a cold boot function. * RocketChip must run at 1MHz when using some CP/M cards and cards that employ DMA. Use the Configuration program, boot with ESCape, or CTL-RESET ESCape to set 1MHz. * Several configuration programs can be combined to make a pre-boot HELLO or STARTUP file for your unique system configuration. 4.1 Holding down the ESCape key during power up forces the RocketChip to run at the normal Apple speed of 1MHz. 4.2 Keyboard Selectable Options: The following modes of operation are activated following the CTL-RESET key press at the same time and this key sequence is followed by: ESCape RocketChip runs at 1MHz. Return RocketChip returns to 5MHz. or previously set RocketSpeed. Space Bar RocketChip runs immediately without changing speed. CONTROL-Z Cold Boot for Apple II or II+. CONTROL-D Deletes 2 second pause after CTL-RESET. CONTROL-F Restores 2 second pause after CTL-RESET. 4.3 Software Speed Selection: The RocketChip speed can also be changed by using commands in Applesoft BASIC using Applied Engineering's Transwarp protocol. To get RocketSpeed(5MHz) Type: POKE 49268,0 To get Apple speed(1MHz) Type: POKE 49268,1 These seem to be the relevant parts of the RocketChip manual and my fingers are too tired to add any more. I've been building one of those Sauder Computer desk/hutch combo's and my hands ACHE. 'Night all... -- E.A.G.L.E Librarian A3 BBS:403/481-3133