Olaf Marx wrote: >Hi Stephen, >I know the problem. Serial cards seem to be quite common in the US, but it >some parts of the world it's difficult and expensive to get one nowadays. I >used the casette interface to transfer DOS to my Apple IIe. I patched the >ROM image of an emulator (Apple II Oasis) so that the cassette out is sent >to the speaker. It was also neccessary to suppress the ready beep. Then I >booted DOS on the emulator and connected PC's soundcard line-out to Apple >IIe's cassette in. On the Apple II type >CALL -151 >9D00.BFFFR >And on the Emulator >CALL -151 >9D00.BFFFW >Now DOS shoud be transmitted. It'll take a while. Now you need to activate >DOS on the Apple: >3D0:4C BF 9D 4C 84 9D >3F2:BF 9D 38 4C 58 FF >3F8:4C 65 FF 4C 65 FF 65 FF >9D84G >And finally you can INIT HELLO your first DOS disk. >Sometimes the transmission failed, but finally it worked for me. > >An other way could be a program called ap2222pc. It uses PC's parallel port >and Apples game port for transmission. >If you need help or a patched ROM image, feel free to ask. > >I hope I was able to help > >Olaf Marx > >Email: o l a f . m a r x @ w e b . d e Very creative! -michael Check out amazing quality 8-bit Apple sound on my Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/