All of the following folders from the Apple Computer ftp site are now completely empty and devoid of any files at all. English-North_American/Apple_II/Apple_II_Supplemental English-North_American/Apple_II/Apple_IIGS_System_6.0.1 English-North_American/Apple_II/HyperCard_IIGS_1.1 I’ve been unable to find anything related to the Apple II computer line within any area of the Apple Computer ftp site as of 5/3/2000. It would appear that Apple Computer has completely abandoned any ftp public access and online support for the needs of the Apple II users now. Please correct me if you are able to provide any URL for the Apple Computer ftp site that does contain any Apple II related archives. They have been saved and will be provided from online for free public access with the Apple Computer lic. notice text file within the next few weeks. It’s all currently available online for free public access from this ftp site URL in (bsq file format). The HyperCard IIgs archives are also available from: Apple II users may also wish to explore and download other Apple II related files from this URL. Cheers, Tom