Hugh....... After so many shits posted in USENET and on various sites about this topic of Apple IIc-PC transfer in order to restore the .dsk image disk files, here is THE solution : 1) Make a cable DB9 (or DB25) female - 5 pin DIN male (180 degrees). When you see the rear of the Apple IIc, the wiring is : (notch) U (DSR) 5 o o 1 (DTR) (RxD) 4 o o 2 (TxD) o 3 (GROUND) So connect the RxD of a COMx: port of the PC to the DIN pin 2, the TxD to the DIN pin 4 and connect the PC GROUND to DIN pin 3. That's all for hardware. Plug now your cable. 2) On PC, use the terminal program PROCOMM and set your COMx: port to 300,N,8,1 and set XON/XOFF flow control ON (and hardware handshaking OFF). On the APPLE side, power up the computer and boot an APPLE DOS 3.3 disk, when you get the "]" APPLESOFT PROMPT, type IN#2 (the modem port of the APPLE is set to 300 bauds after a power-up). Return to PC and ask PROCOMM to transfer the ADT122.DMP file using the ASCII protocol (this file is widely distributed on Internet, be sure the first line of the file is NEW, the second CALL -151 and then the binary data (remove all unwanted lines like 3D0G or others). After transfer, you will see the APPLE saving the ADT file automatically on disk. When it's done, LOCK the ADT file on APPLE in order to protect it. 3) Get the ADT122.ZIP file for PC DOS (it is widely distributed on INTERNET), unzip it, read the doc and run the ADT122.EXE file. Configure the port number and the 19200 speed. BRUN ADT on APPLE and configure port and speed, then either Receive or Transmit a .dsk file, by selecting the mode and just typing the name of the file. All is automatic, look at the screens of the computers exchanging data, it's wonderful ... Happy transfer ! -- Use our news server '' from anywhere. More details at: