Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2.programmer Path:!!!!!uunet!olivea!pagesat!!crash!pro-desert!gregd From: (Greg DaCosta) Subject: Re: TransWarp GS - how to get/set speed? Organization: ProLine [pro-desert], Greg DaCosta (Sysop) Date: Tue, 12 Oct 93 20:29:20 PDT Message-ID: References: Lines: 345 Ian, What follows is the Merlin source to an EXE file to control the speed of the TWGS. I wrote this about 4 years ago, so it doesn't know anything about the Cache size. I hope it helps. lst off ;lose the playback! *=========================================================================* * * * SPEED ...................................................... ver. 1.0 * * * * written by Greg A. DaCosta / copyright 1989, Desert Sun Software * * GEnie: [G.DACOSTA] * * * * This program may be distributed freely as long as these credits remain * * intact and unmodified. * * * * No fee may be charged for this program other than a minimal distri- * * bution fee (not to exceed $10). The only exception is distribution on * * the Merlin 16+ disk. * * * *=========================================================================* * * * This source code based on the DUMP command by Glen Bredon. It's not too * * pretty, but it works well. Thanks to Eric Mueller for his InstDA file * * which was a valuable aid in making this work. * * * *=========================================================================* ttl "SPEED" xc xc ;Turn on full 65816 assembly mx %00 cas in ;case insensitive rel dsk 6/speed.l typ exe tr tr adr exp off *=============================== CSWH = $37 PNT = $60 ;Misc use STACKPNT = $68 KEY = $E0C000 STROBE = $E0C010 SetSpeed = $BCFF2C ;TWGS memory location CheckTW = $BCFF00 ;ditto here *=============================== Tool MAC IF MX ERR 1 ELSE LDX #]1 JSL $E10000 FIN <<< WriteChr MAC Tool $180C <<< print2 MAC JSR SENDMSG2 ASC ]1,00 <<< PRINT MAC JSR SENDMSG ASC ]1,00 mx %11 ;eight bit <<< *------------------------------------------------- *============================== * Optional header on EXE files: *------------------------------ START BRL Speed ;Initialization entry BRL Speed ;Secondary entry BRL Speed ;Other required entry BRL Speed ; vectors, not used by Speed. BRL Speed BRL Speed BRL Speed BRL Speed DA 0 ;= ID of transient commands ASC 'MERLIN' ;= ID of special EXE file *======================================== * End of optional structure for EXE file. *---------------------------------------- Speed PHK PLB TSC STA STACKPNT TYA CLC ADC #8 ;Bypass the "MERLINGS" STA PNT ; identifier - it is not TXA ; checked for in this ADC #0 ; example STA PNT+2 lda #$8d jsr OUTPUT jsr RtnSpcs print "SPEED shell command by Greg A. DaCosta" jsr RtnSpcs print "Copyright 1989, Desert Sun Software" SEP %00110000 LDY #0 ]LOOP LDX #0 ;Look for "SPEED" in order PHY ; to align index to the ]LUP LDA [PNT],Y ; following part of cmd. BEQ :EX ;Something wrong if taken AND #%01011111 CMP cmdWORD+1,X BEQ :NX PLY INY BRA ]LOOP :NX INX INY CPX #5 ;all letters? BLT ]LUP PLA ;Pop pushed Y DEY ]LUP INY LDA [PNT],Y AND #$7F ;Not needed BEQ :EX ;Nothing after "SPEED" so CMP #'*' ; do nothing. BLT ]LUP ;Bypass delimiter & spaces LDX #0 ]LUP LDA [PNT],Y AND #$7F CMP #$60 BLT :SB AND #%01011111 :SB STA BUFFER,X BEQ :GOTIT ;Branch if no more input CMP #'*' BEQ :IX CMP #'.' BLT :GOTIT ; or if excess input :IX INX INY BRA ]LUP :EX BRL EXIT mx %11 ;back to eight bit to store the filename :GOTIT STX Speedname ;Store length DEX BMI :EX :MOV LDA BUFFER,X STA speedname+1,X ;Save the speed which DEX ; the user wants installed. BPL :MOV rep #$30 jsr IsATwgs ;Check to see if A TWGS is installed bcc :NoTW sep #$30 ;back to 8 bits for checking ldx #0 lda BUFFER,x and #$DF cmp #'F' ;Is it an "F"? beq :fast cmp #'S' ;Is it an "S"? beq :slow bra :max ;Otherwise just set the Max Speed :NoTW rep #$30 jsr RtnSpcs print "Sorry, a TWGS is not installed in this System." brl EXIT :slow jsr Slow brl EXIT :fast jsr Fast brl EXIT :max jsr Warp brl EXIT EXIT SEP %00110000 LDAL CSWH CMP #$C3 BNE EXIT2 ;Exit if not screen output lda #$8d jsr OUTPUT jsr RtnSpcs print "Press RETURN." ]LUP LDAL KEY ;Else wait for key BPL ]LUP XBA LDAL STROBE XBA CMP #$8D BNE ]LUP EXIT2 print 8D8D rep #$30 LDA STACKPNT TCS LDA #0 ;No error RTL ;All done mx %00 * print some spaces RtnSpcs rep #$30 lda #$8d ;print a return first jsr OUTPUT Spcs ldx #20 :loop phx lda #$a0 jsr OUTPUT plx dex bne :loop rts *=============================== SENDMSG2 REP %00100001 LDA 1,S INC STA 1,S SEP %00110000 LDY #0 LDA (1,S),Y BEQ :back JSR OUTPUT BRA SENDMSG2 :back rep #$30 ;back to full 16 bit rts SENDMSG REP %00100001 LDA 1,S INC STA 1,S SEP %00110000 LDY #0 LDA (1,S),Y BEQ BACK JSR OUTPUT BRA SENDMSG OUTPUT PHA PHX PHY PHP REP %00110000 PHA WriteChr PLP PLY PLX PLA BACK RTS *=============================== cmdWord str 'SPEED' *=============================== IsATWgs mx %00 lda >CheckTW ;check Low word of ID cmp #'TW' ;does it say TW? bne :bad ;if not, get outta here lda >CheckTW+2 ;check high word cmp #'GS' beq :rts :bad clc :rts rts Slow mx %00 rep $30 php ldx #0 jsl SetSpeed jmp rts1 Fast mx %00 php rep $30 ldx #1 jsl SetSpeed jmp rts1 Warp mx %00 php rep $30 ldx #2 jsl SetSpeed rts1 plp rts *=============================== BUFFER DS $80,$8D Speedname ds $80 _ _ / _ | \ Greg DaCosta, Sysop - Pro-Desert BBS \_| |_/ Internet: