Jon Bettencourt wrote: > I'm trying to get the CATALOG of the current ProDOS directory into an > array in Applesoft. The correct technique is to use the OPEN then READ command to open the directory and start reading from it, then use the INPUT command to read each line of the catalog. (You need to use the ",TDIR" directive with the open command, since you aren't opening a text file.) You always get the 80-column version of the catalog, and there is a minor difference from how it is displayed: the blank line after the directory name isn't delivered via the INPUT statement. You can detect the end of the catalog by a blank line at the end, and then read one more line to get the disk space line. (You don't need an ONERR GOTO handler.) For example, if you have a volume called /APPLEWORKS (as we all probably do), then the following program should read the catalog into an array. 10 D$=CHR$(4) 20 DIM F$(51) 30 PRINT D$;"OPEN /APPLEWORKS,TDIR" 40 PRINT D$;"READ /APPLEWORKS" 50 INPUT N$: REM Directory name 60 INPUT T$: REM Title line 70 INPUT B$: REM Blank line 80 N = 0 90 INPUT F$: REM One file line 100 IF F$ <> "" THEN N = N + 1: F$(N) = F$: GOTO 90 110 INPUT U$: REM Usage 120 PRINT D$;"CLOSE" 130 REM Insert code to do something useful with it... 140 END Note that you have to be careful with the array size. 51 is sufficient for a root directory (assuming a disk which follows the standards), but there is no limit on the size of a subdirectory. -- David Empson Snail mail: P O Box 27-103, Wellington, New Zealand