Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2.programmer,comp.sys.apple2.sources Path:!!!!usc!!!!!crash!!jeffmj From: (Jeff Jungblut) Subject: Re: Help with programming on a Apple // in Pascal Organization: Jostens Learning Corporation, San Diego Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 05:29:29 GMT Message-ID: X-Newsreader: VersaTerm Link v1.1.5 References: <> Sender: (news subsystem) Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 301 In Article <>, (Mark Schneider) wrote: >Please reply to the address on the from line below. > >>From: >> >>I am trying to progam a program in Pascal on an apple // e. >>the program is just a simple read a text fle--file and >>write it to the screen. But the problem is that I have >>tp -- to read from a Apple dos disk and a Pro Dos disk to >>ge tthe data file. The Pascal will not find the file on those >>formated type disks.... Does anyone have any sudggestions, or >>do you know of a news group that specialized in this type of >>question. If so point me in the right direction..... >>Thanks you for you helppp.... >> >>Alex. >>Computer Programmer. >>CCC. tok--Topeka KS. Here's the code to do what you want for DOS 3.3 text files. If you have Beneath Apple ProDOS, you should be able to adapt the code for the ProDOS file system, but I never tried doing it myself. Basically all this code does is call Pascal's UNITREAD procedure to read blocks from the disk into a buffer. Procedures are provided to map Pascal disk blocks to DOS 3.3 track/sector locations, interpret the DOS 3.3 VTOC and catalog, and read bytes from DOS 3.3 files. The procedures you need to call are OPENDOS to open a file on a DOS 3.3 disk. Pass the Pascal unit number (unit 4=S6D1, unit 5=S6D2) and the name of the DOS 3.3 file. The boolean returned by OPENDOS tells you whether or not the file was opened successfully. Once the file is open, call READBYTEDOS to read bytes from the file as integers, or READCHARDOS to read characters from the file. When you're all done, be sure to call CLOSEDOS before opening any other files with OPENDOS. The main program shows an example of how to make the OPENDOS, READCHARDOS, READBYTEDOS, and CLOSEDOS calls. It simply asks you for a DOS 3.3 file name, then copies data from the DOS 3.3 file to a text file on a Pascal disk. If you want it to display the DOS 3.3 file on the screen, just change the output stuff so that it writes to 'CONSOLE:' instead of a Pascal disk file. -- Jeff Jungblut Port Charles is now online! ----------- cut here and compile! ------------------------------------------ program xfer; (* This program transfers DOS 3.3 text files to Pascal text/data files. *) (* The original procedures are from Call A.P.P.L.E.: All About Pascal. *) (* Modifications by Jeff Jungblut. Last updated on 4/10/85. *) var o:text; dname,pname:string; filename:string[30]; eofdos,filelock:boolean; realfiletype:char; count,errdos,filelength,fmapcont,fmapcons,off,lastblock,dosunit:integer; fmapt,fmaps:array[0..122] of 0..255; tst,tss,flen:array[1..7] of 0..255; locked:array[1..7] of boolean; ftype:array[1..7] of 0..127; realtype:array[1..7] of char; fname:array[1..7] of string[30]; bytearray:packed array[0..512] of 0..255; t,s,vol,filetrack,filesector:0..255; filetype:0..127; fmapcurr:0..122; currbyte:0..256; procedure getsector(t,s:integer); var i : integer; function cblk(t:integer; s:integer) : integer; begin if s=0 then s:=15 else if s=15 then s:=0; cblk:=((t*8+(15-s) div 2)*2 + ((15-s) mod 2)); end; (* cblk *) begin i:=cblk(t,s); off := (i mod 2) * 256; if (i div 2) <> (lastblock div 2) then unitread (dosunit,bytearray,512,i div 2); errdos:=ioresult; lastblock:=i; end; (* getsector *) function opendos (unitno:integer; name:string) : boolean; var i,j,k,l : integer; ch: char; endcat: boolean; procedure getcat(off:integer); var j,k,st,l: integer; types : string[8]; lastchar : 0..255; begin t:=bytearray[off+1]; s:=bytearray[off+2]; for j:= 1 to 7 do begin st:= off + 11 + (j-1)*35; tst[j]:= bytearray[st+0]; tss[j]:= bytearray[st+1]; locked[j] := ((bytearray[st+2] div 128) = 1); ftype[j]:=bytearray[st+2] mod 128; flen[j] :=bytearray[st+33]; (*$r-*) lastchar := 0; for k := 0 to 29 do begin fname[j][k+1]:=chr(bytearray[st+3+k] mod 128); if fname[j][k+1] <> ' ' then lastchar := k+1; end; fname[j][0] := chr(lastchar); (*$r+*) l:=1; k:=ftype[j]; while k <> 0 do begin l:=succ(l); k:=k div 2; end; types := 'TIABRS??'; realtype[j]:=types[l]; end; end; { get cat } procedure getvtoc; begin getsector(17,0); vol:=bytearray[off+6]; end;(* get vtoc *) begin(* open dos *) dosunit := unitno; getvtoc; if errdos <> 0 then begin opendos:=false; exit(opendos); end; t := bytearray[off+1]; s := bytearray[off+2]; opendos:=false; endcat:=false; while not endcat do begin getsector(t,s); getcat(off); for k := 1 to 7 do begin if tst[k] <> 0 then if (tst[k] < 128) and (name = fname[k]) then begin endcat := true; opendos:= true; filetrack:= tst[k]; filesector := tss[k]; filelength := flen[k]; filelock := locked[k]; filetype := ftype[k]; realfiletype := realtype[k]; filename := fname[k]; fmapcont := filetrack; fmapcons := filesector; fmapcurr := 122; eofdos := false; end else(* dummy else *) else endcat := true; end; end; end; function readbytedos:integer; procedure getfmap(t,s:integer); var j:integer; begin getsector(t,s); for j:= 0 to 121 do begin fmapt[j] := bytearray[off+12+j*2]; fmaps[j] := bytearray[off+12+j*2+1]; end; fmapcont := bytearray[off+1]; fmapcons := bytearray[off+2]; currbyte := 256; end; (* get file map *) begin (* readbytedos *) if eofdos or (errdos <> 0) then begin readbytedos := 0; exit(readbytedos); end; if fmapcurr > 121 then begin repeat if fmapcont + fmapcons <> 0 then getfmap(fmapcont,fmapcons) else begin eofdos := true; readbytedos := 0; exit(readbytedos); end; fmapcurr := 0; while not ((fmapcurr > 121) or (fmapt[fmapcurr]+fmaps[fmapcurr] <> 0)) do fmapcurr := succ(fmapcurr); until (fmapt[fmapcurr] + fmaps[fmapcurr] <> 0); end; if currbyte > 255 then begin while not ((fmapcurr > 121) or (fmapt[fmapcurr] + fmaps[fmapcurr] <> 0)) do fmapcurr := succ(fmapcurr); if fmapcurr <= 121 then getsector(fmapt[fmapcurr],fmaps[fmapcurr]) else begin readbytedos := 0; exit(readbytedos); end; currbyte:=0; fmapcurr := succ(fmapcurr); end; readbytedos := bytearray[off+currbyte]; currbyte := succ(currbyte); end; function readchardos:char; begin readchardos := chr(readbytedos mod 128); end; procedure closedos; begin lastblock := -1; eofdos:= true; errdos:= 0; dosunit := -1; fmapcont:= 0; fmapcons:= 0; fmapcurr:= 122; currbyte:= 256; end; begin (* main *) closedos; page (output); writeln ('DOS 3.3 to Pascal text file converter'); writeln; writeln('Insert the Pascal disk in drive 1.'); writeln('Insert the DOS 3.3 disk in drive 2.'); writeln; write('DOS file name ? '); readln(dname); if dname = '' then exit(program); if not opendos(5,dname) then begin writeln; write('Error: DOS file not found. Press . '); readln; exit(program); end; writeln; if filelocked then write ('*') else write (' '); write (realfiletype,' ',filelength:3,' ',filename); writeln; while pos(' ',dname) <> 0 do delete(dname,pos(' ',dname),1); if length(dname) > 10 then pname:=copy(dname,1,10) else pname:=dname; if pos('.',pname) = 0 then pname:=concat(pname,'.TEXT'); pname:=concat('#4:',pname); writeln; writeln('Pascal file name is ',pname); count:=1; rewrite(o,pname); gotoxy(0,13); write('Converting sector # 1'); repeat count:=count+1; if count mod 256 = 0 then begin gotoxy(20,13); write((count div 256) + 1:3); end; write(o,readchardos); until eofdos or (errdos <> 0); close (o,lock); writeln; writeln ('completed.'); writeln; end.