Well, to quote the Instructions, "Welcome to ORCA/C 1.1, the latest version of ORCA/C." When I first saw the instruction sheet, I thought it seemed rather complicated and decided that what was needed was for the Installer to have to do this work! Since no one else had volunteered any scripts, I made some. First, some warnings. I made these scripts (one for each disk) strictly to update version 1.0 disks to version 1.1 using the ORCA/C 1.1 Update Disk and GS/OS System Disk version 5.02. Using any other disks could cause errors while in the Installer and more than likely will mess up your copies of ORCA/C 1.1. Also, this update should NOT be done to your master 1.0 disks. Perform it ONLY on copies of your distribution disks just in case there IS an error in my scripts (naah, couldn't happen :-)... really, I tested them!). Next, the required disks. Other than the COPIES of your ORCA/C distribution disks, the scripts will ask you for the following disks: :System.Disk - GS/OS 5.02 System Disk #1 :System.Tools - GS/OS 5.02 System Disk #2 :C.1.1.Update - Orca/C 1.1 Update Disk Finally, a repeat of the end of the Installation Instructions: The last step is optional. If you like, you can recompile the various samples on the samples disk. If you are using a 1.25M system, you will need to use the text-based environment to compile some of the large desktop applications, like REVERSI and MINICAD. Also, Apple has changed a few names in the toolbox header files. In both REVERSI and MINICAD, you should replace all occurrences of wmWhere with where, and all occurrences of wmMessage with message. For information about the changes made in this version, see the RELEASE.NOTES file that was copied to the ORCA.C disk (the disk labeled Desktop System). Trouble? Out of memory errors. GS/OS and the new libraries require more memory that their older counterparts, so some programs that would compile before won't compile on a machine with the same amount of memory. There are some things you can do besides invest in more RAM, though, including: Modify Apple's toolbox header files so they don't include any .h file except types.h, switch to the text-based system for large compiles, be sure your RAM disk is set to 0K, and remove any unneeded desk accessories or drivers. Link errors. This is almost always caused by the libraries appearing in the wrong order in the libraries folder. The ORCALIB library must come before PASLIB (if it is in use) and SYSLIB, and PASLIB must come before SYSLIB for proper linking. You can change the order be deleting the library files and copying them back in, one by one, in the correct order.