Aplwrks Reset 27 Oct 87 This is an update for ProDOS 8, versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. This modification uses the last byte of the DEVICE LIST in the ProDOS global page. If you use more than 13 disk drives (including RAM drive, hard disc, etc.) then do not use this patch. APLWRKS.RESET is a RESET vector version of Michael Wilks' (Applied Eng) short procedure to get back into APPLEWORKS after the program hangs. After downloading this doc be sure to download and read RESCUE.TXT in DL4 for more information and CAUTIONS. This is a BASIC program that modifies the file, APLWORKS.SYSTEM, on the STARTUP disc. After modification, if you bomb out, hitting CONTROL-RESET should return you to AppleWorks, hopefully, intact. Do not take any chances. Save the file you are working on and reboot AppleWorks before going on. CAUTION! Before going any further make a copy of the AppleWorks STARTUP disk and use the copy. Instructions: 1. Isolate the program at the end of this doc and save to disk as AW.R. 2. Exec AW.R. This gives you a BASIC program called APLWRKS.RESET. 3. If you have an extended memory board such as Ramworks II, configure Appleworks to your liking. (With Ramworks, use the Super Appleworks Desktop Expander.) 4. RUN APLWRKS.RESET and insert the STARTUP disk in Drive 1 as instructed. 5. When instructed enter the name APLWORKS.SYSTEM. If you have renamed this file enter the new name. 6. If you wish to use MACROWORKS, first configure with MACROWORKS as indicated in the MACROWORKS manual. The APLWORKS.SYSTEM file will be renamed APLWORKS.SYS. Modify MACRO.SYSTEM instead of APLWORKS.SYSTEM with APLWRKS.RESET. When instructed to enter the name of the file containing APLWORKS.SYSTEM, enter MACRO.SYSTEM and its length as indicated. The short reset subroutine will be appended to MACRO.SYSTEM. The addition of the RESET vector is particularly useful for those of you who have a Grappler +. If you want to cancel out the printer buffer, you now can hit CONTROL-RESET and be returned to Appleworks intact. So far I have not had any problem simply going ahead and using Appleworks without re-booting. There are no guarantees, however. Proceed at your own risk. NEW 10 PRINT CHR$ (4)"PR#3": PRINT 20 VTAB 10: HTAB 28: PRINT "APPLEWORKS CONTROL-RESET": PRINT : PRINT 25 HTAB 32: PRINT "by Harold Portnoy" 30 FOR N = 1 TO 1000: NEXT 40 HOME : PRINT "Insert AppleWorks STARTUP disc in Drive 1," 45 PRINT "then press any key. ";: GET A$ 50 PRINT CHR$ (4)"PREFIX,D1";V$ 60 PRINT CHR$ (4)"CATALOG" 70 INPUT "Enter name of Appleworks System file (e.g. APLWORKS.SYSTEM). ";AW$ 80 PRINT CHR$ (4)"BLOAD";V$;AW$;",TSYS,A$2000" 90 L = PEEK (48858) * 256 + PEEK (48857) + 1: REM FILE LENGTH 100 BA = 8192: REM BOOT ADDRESS AT $2000 110 GOSUB 1000: REM ADD RESET SUBROUTINE 120 REM ALTER SUBROUTINE TO REFLECT RELOCATION ADDRESS 130 DEF FN AH(ADR) = INT (ADR / 256) 135 DEF FN AL(ADR) = ADR - FN AH(ADR) * 256 140 POKE BA + L + 25, PEEK (BA + 1): POKE BA + L + 26, PEEK (BA + 2) 150 ADR = BA + L:BH = FN AH(ADR):BL = FN AL(ADR) 160 POKE BA + 1,BL: POKE BA + 2,BH 170 ADR = BA + L + 27:RH = FN AH(ADR):RL = FN AL(ADR) 180 POKE BA + L + 16,RL: POKE BA + L + 17,RH 190 REM SAVE RE-CONFIGURED APLWORKS.SYSTEM 210 PRINT CHR$ (4)"BSAVE";AW$;",TSYS,A$2000,L";L + 40 220 PRINT "APPLEWORKS now configured with RESET vector." 230 PRINT "If AppleWorks hangs, hit CONTROL-RESET to recover.": END 1000 FOR N = 0 TO 38: READ P: POKE BA + L + N,P: NEXT: RETURN 1010 DATA 162,63,160,191,142,242,3,140,243,3,32,111,251,160,11,185,0,0,153 1020 DATA 63,191,136,16,247,76,0,0,32,0,195,44,131,192,44,131,192,76,51,16 SAVE APLWRKS.RESET