GNO Reference Manuals

These documents are based on Procyon's August 1996 v2.0.4 documents, but have been updated and enhanced. These manuals are still being revised; if you find errors or omissions, please contact the maintainer (Devin Reade) at the address at the bottom of this page.

Overview and Installation
This document contains introductory information (including how to obtain GNO), installation instructions, a list of hardware requirements, suggested readings, and similar material. It is a good starting point for those new to GNO. It is also available for download in various formats:

Kernel Reference Manual
This is a technical introduction and reference to the GNO Kernel, which is the heart of the GNO system. It can be heavy reading for the new user, but is a must for the application programmer. It is also available for download in various formats:

GNO Shell User's Manual
This is the reference manual for the GNO Shell, otherwise known as gsh. The current version is more of a tutorial than a true reference manual. It is also available for download in various formats:

Note on A4 Paper Formats

Since I do not use the A4 paper format, I would be interested in feedback on how the formatting turns out. Currently, the DVI files are created for the the letter paper size, and only in the DVI to Postscript conversion is the A4 paper size taken into account. While this greatly simplifies the document "build" process, it might result in less than desirable output. Please email your observations to me at the address at the bottom of this page.