NEW 1 REM BY LEON MANELIS, ORLANDO FLORIDA 10 REM The second program is a basic program for ProDOS which 20 REM produces a wide catalog similar to the default directory 30 REM displays in VMS or Unix. It's really nice if you have a 40 REM large number of files on disk that always get scrolled off 50 REM of the screen with a CAT or CATALOG. Each file name takes up 60 REM 20 characters so you can display of 40 files on a 40 columns 70 REM screen (2x20) or 80 files on an 80 columns screen (4x20). 80 REM When the program asks you to press return to continue, you 90 REM can just hit Esc or !C to exit, instead. 100 PRINT:PRINT "INSERT DISK, PRESS "; 110 GETX$:IFX$=CHR$(27)ORX$=CHR$(3)THENEND 120 D$=CHR$(4):PRINT:PRINTD$"PREFIX":INPUTV$ 130 PRINTD$"OPEN";V$",TDIR":PRINTD$"READ";V$ 140 INPUTL1$:INPUTL2$:INPUTL3$ 150 PRINTL1$:PRINTL3$:GOTO180 160 L$=LEFT$(F$,1):IFL$="*"THENL$=":" 170 PRINT"|";MID$(F$,18,3);L$;MID$(F$,2,15);:N=N+1 180 INPUTF$:IFLEN(F$)THEN160 190 INPUTL4$:B$=LEFT$(L4$,20):IFPEEK(1403)THENPRINT 200 PRINT:PRINTD$"CLOSE":PRINTB$;"FILES: ";N SAVE WIDECAT