Welcome to 1988, fellow ProDOS users! If you are using ProDOS 1.1.1 and have a clock card in your machine, your system may not have welcomed to the new year quite so nicely. The Thunderclock driver in ProDOS calculates the year based on the date & day of week, and 1988 is indistinguishable from 1982 (at least this time of year). ProDOS 1.1.1 "knows" that the year is always from 1981 to 1987. If you're having "1982" problems with your system, do one of the following: 1. Get ProDOS 8 1.4 from the SYSTEM directory of a IIgs System Disk. It is called P8, but you can copy it into the main directory of your ProDOS 8 disks and call it PRODOS. 2. Run the following program after setting your PREFIX to the disk containing the ProDOS you want to patch. This program is FIXDAT.FP from DL1 of APPLEII on CompuServe. After running, things will be peachy until 1992 or thereabouts. ----- cut here NEW 10REMFix year list in ProDOS 1.1.1 20REMGlen E. Bredon. 30REM 40TEXT:?:HOME:HTAB8 50?"PRODOS 1.1.1 DATE FIXER" 100E=0 110FORI=0TO6:READOY(I):NEXTI 120FORI=0TO6:READNY(I):NEXTI 130VTAB12:?"Now patching ProDOS.":?:? 140ONERRGOTO270 150IFPEEK(116)<128THENE=1:GOTO270:REMIs mem free? 160?CHR$(4)"unlock prodos" 170?CHR$(4)"bload prodos,tsys,a$2000" 180ADR=4*4096+118 190P=0:FORI=0TO6:IFPEEK(ADR+I)<>OY(I)THENP=1 200NEXTI 210IFADR>6*4096THENE=3:GOTO270 220IFPTHENADR=ADR+256:GOTO190 230FORI=0TO6:POKEADR+I,NY(I):NEXTI 240?CHR$(4)"bsave prodos,a$2000,tsys" 250?:?"Date patch completed." 260END 270?CHR$(7)"Error! No patches were made.":? 280ONEGOTO300,310,320 290?"PRODOS file not found.":END 300?"Insufficient memory to load PRODOS.":END 310?"Patch location not found." 320?"PRODOS file may have been patched" 330?"already, or is not a compatible version." 1000DATA84,84,83,82,87,86,85 1010DATA90,89,88,88,87,92,91 SAVE PATCH.DATE