Kermit3.86.tar 98304 Jul 29 04:14 APPLE II KERMIT USER GUIDE VERSION 3.86 Ted Medin, NOSC 1989 Sept 25 Kermit-65 is a program that implements the Kermit file transfer protocol for the Motorola 6502 processor family (hence the name, Kermit-65) on the Apple II microcomputer system. It is written in 6502 assembly language and should run on any Apple II or compatible running DOS 3.3 or PRODOS. Kermit will have no problems running on an Apple II, II+, //e, //c or //gs system. Kermit supports: AE Serial Pro (super serial driver - sw 1 & 3 open 2 & 4 closed) AIO II (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested) ALS dispatcher (Uses the Apple Com Card driver) Apple Cat Serial Card Apple Com Serial Card ASIO (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested) Apple Super Serial Card & //c Serial Port Apple //gs Serial Port CCS 7710 Serial Card CCS 7711 (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested) D.C. Hayes Micromodem. Microtek sv-622 Card Prometheus Versacard (Uses the Apple Com Card driver) SSM AIO (Uses the Apple Com Card driver??? - untested)