Csa2 FAQs Welcome! As you can see, this area is 'Under Construction'. New Csa2 FAQs and relate items will be added as they become available. If you wish to contribute Apple II information, Frequently Asked Questions & answers, etc., just upload the contribution to ... ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/apple2/Faqs/uploads . Uploading Stuff It will be easiest to handle text information uploaded as ... one or more plain Text file OR as Text files or awks files inside a .SHK file. Pictures, diagrams, etc can be uploaded as ... .GIF files OR as Apple II Hires, Lo-res, Double-Hires files inside a .SHK file. OR as Apple IIgs unpacked Screen files, Apple Preferred pics, SuperPac pics, PaintWorks pics files inside a .SHK file. Somewhere in your uploaded stuff please include your name and email address and, if you like, a brief note explaining what your upload is about. This can be part of the text you upload or in a ReadMe.txt file. If there are any questions, suggestions, or comments, please email me at rubywand@swbell.net . Jeff