jazGraph v1.0 has been released to the Net! It's been posted to c.b.a2 and ftp'd to grind and caltech. jazGraph is a comprehensive graphing package for the Apple //gs. It is simply the best graphing program available. jazGraph can produce several different types of graphs: line (log or linear), scatter, bar, stacked bar, and pie charts. Data can be read from ASCII text files or from Appleworks spreadsheets. A comprehensive manual is included. jazGraph requires at least System v5.0.4 and 2Mb of RAM if running System 6.0. A hard drive or two 3.5 drives are recommended. Truetype fonts via Pointless is strongly recommended. An accelerator also helps (especially the FPE or Number Cruncher). jazGraph can print to any printer supported by GS/OS (tested on an Imagewriter II and HP Deskjet 500/Independence). jazGraph can also generate HPGL compatible files. The graphs generated by jazGraph can be fully customized by the user. Nearly every facet of the graph is under user control, such as the fonts used, graph colors, axis labeling, graph type used, log or linear ticks, graph titles, color palette, legend definition, patterns drawn, etc. Each graph can be scaled as desired before printing, in either direction. Multiple graphs can be printed on the same page, all at the same or different scales. jazGraph is $25 shareware. It's taken me nearly two years to generate the 19000 lines of C code for this program, so I think $25 is a very fair price for a program of this magnitude. Comparing the quality of graphs that jazgGraph can generate to the ones Appleworks GS generates is like comparing the F-16 to a biplane.