Apple II Graphics and Sound Software from the Skunk Works BBS Archive: A80.COL.DEM.SDK Apple demo of AppleColor RGB card (also works with DHR; 5.25 drive req'd) DIGI.DEMO.SDK Demo of Digicorder, a music synth program (5.25 drive req'd) FISH.SHK Put a goldfish tank in your II GRAPHICS.SHK Clip art and related items (for Publish-It!, 816/Paint, etc.) GS.FONT.ED.SHK Edit type C8 (IIGS) fonts with this 8-bit program IIGIF.SHK IIGIF, a GIF viewer for all 8-bit IIs (it doesn't produce the best results, but it's the only game in town for 8-bit systems) JUGGLER.SHK DHR port of The Juggler MANDEL8BIT.SHK Mandelbrot generator; works in DHR in color, halftone, or monochrome