About: Eng.TRANS.SHK This archive contains all of the English translations thus far made available - courtesy of Alex Eddy, for most all of the Japanese programs in this folder. It's essential that you use TeachText to read them properly via the IIGS and GS/OS v6.0.1 - as they contain translation tables with both English and Kanji comparitive. My Special thanks go to Alex Eddy for the effort, time and trouble he went to in doing these English documentation translations for the programs of'New Releases' given to me by Dr. Susuki, during his recent visit to my home here in Brisbane, CA. This documentation is also of interest to several programs within the following two Shrinkit disk archives; FA1WSW.D1.SDK and FA1WSW.D2.SDK, which are located in the following folder and URL: http://wco.com/~3d5d1wsw/RareWares/ The purpose and function of all these programs mention above and contained within this new folder are to allow; GS/OS v6.0.1, its desktop and Menu pulldown items to display in Kanji, and to allow the applications to write, save, display and print Kanji on the Apple IIGS. These are special full Kanji character additions, functions and options that have not been available for use by the general IIGS public before, in such a complete manner and with such a complete set of programs. FApple1.SDK contains the following; FepGS.v1.33 GSK.Term.1.41J Icons JM1.5 KanjiEdit.1.3 ReadMe.First Wa0.21b Cheers, Tom