This program is Freeware. Copyright is retained by Joe Walters. None of the files from this archive or the archive itself, may be uploaded to any site without permission of the author. GEnie, Delphi, and Devin Reade's siteare pre-certified. A collection of useful UltraMacros. To most users the most interesting macro will be sa-M and ba-M which are used to compare two AppleWorks Word Processor ( AWP) files. I use sa-- to print files to disk as ASCII with returns after each line for later uploading. (This one for example.) The full list of user callable macros is: \ba-C Compile Ultramacros \ba-L Launch \sa-ctrl-T Save as invisible task file \sa-- Print One/all Desktop -> ASCII to disk \sa-M Compare 2AWP files \ba-M Continue after sa-M More? \ba-Q Delete file from Desktop. No ques asked \sa-T Menu of 5 different margin settings \ba-T Save file as text