This is version 1.0a1 of the BitBanger memory test. It is self documenting, and very rigerous. At this point it is of limited use as GS/OS must be able to load to launch the test. GS Self Test must pass before this test is meaningfull. Also, this test cannot be used for any memory cards which are capable of providing 8Meg RAM, regardless of how much RAM is actually installed. *PLEASE* report any bugs to Harold Hislop at . Permission is granted to distribute this file on Delphi, the Trenco and Apple2.ORG FTP archives, and by Alltech. It may _not_ be distributed by any other means. Specifically, this program may not be distributed (or modified) by Charles Turley, 1WSW, or associated individuals or organizations. Permission is _not_ granted for distribution on the "Asimov" FTP site(s).