S-C DocuMentor: Applesoft The S-C DocuMentor for Applesoft provides the most complete documentation of Applesoft internals available anywhere. You will find the information educational, entertaining, and extremely helpful. The information contained in the comments and labels has been gleaned from many sources over the years since 1978. (There has been no direct involvement of Apple Computer, Inc., in this project.) I have tried my best to provide meaningful, helpful comments and labels throughout. Nevertheless, there may be some mis-interpretations. If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements, please send them to me. Many of the label names are deliberately made the same as those published in "Applesoft Internals", by John Crossley. This article first appeard in Volume 1, No. 1, of the Apple Orchard (magazine of the International Apple Corps). It has been re-printed since by various clubs, including Call A.P.P.L.E. in their book "All About Applesoft". I have flagged about a half dozen bugs in the listing, and several areas of very "improve-able" code. These are marked with "<<<" and ">>>" at each end of the comment lines. For many years there was only one version of the Applesoft code, as it was distributed in ROM in the Apple II, IIplus, and IIe computers. When the IIc and enhanced IIe were introduced, changes were finally made to the Applesoft ROMs. The IIgs includes still more changes. None of these changes are reflected in the source code included here. You can determine what code is different by comparing the binary object file produced by assembling the DocuMentor code with the code in ROM: 1. from within BASIC.SYSTEM, BLOAD the object file at $2000. 2. go to the monitor by typing CALL-151. 3. compare the code with 2000