Begin3 Title: Extended 80-column Text / AppleColor Card demo disk Author: Apple Computer Version: 9-Jun-1984 Entered-date: 7-22-1997 Description: Demo disk for the extended 80-column card (i.e. double high resolution modes, including double low-res & some weird ones). Includes slideshows, dithered color demos, and software to access the graphics modes from Applesoft. Also a demo disk for the AppleColor monitor, which (I think) was the original digital RGB monitor for //e's. The colored text demos (AppleColor-specific) don't work on my emulators. Disk 1: DOS 3.3 software Disk 2: ProDOS software (these disks contain different software) Keywords: double hi-res graphics text demo Uploader: Primary-site: 53,422 (52k) ext80demo1.dsk.gz 50,127 (49k) ext80demo2.dsk.gz Platform: Apple //e 128k End