Compilation of useful 8-bit compatible utilities/programs (with the exception of ZipGSX Control Panel) 800K bootable ProDOS disk Copy II Plus 8.4 ZipGSX Control Panel System Utilities 3.0 Chameleon Freewriter ProTERM 2.2 NuFX Messenger ShrinkIt 3.4 Angel Macdown Freewriter Printer 8/16 Paint "MS-DOS" Applesoft BASIC (MessyDOS) BinSCII UnZIP Fastcopy Cache File Attribute Zapper Booz2e Columnist IIGIF Plus following assorted ProSel-8 v3.9 Utilities: Cat Doctor Format 3.5" Format 5.25" Volume Copy Block Editor Recover Prosel Editor Mr Fixit Scavenge Restore Information Desk File Finder Beach Comber Backup