Download .nib image from: You may remember a trio of pirates defined as "The Men of Low Moral Fiber" Well I'm worst then a pirate. I do not allow my morality to stop me from doing the right thing. This disk can't be read the usual way but CiderPres can easly handle this. Open the .nib image extract the three BAS(ic) files using the "Configure to preserve Apple II formats" Open a plain vanilla DOS 3.3 INIT(ialized) .dsk image and "Add files..." select both the "Use tags and guess type from extension" and the "Auto-detected & convert files with text" Is this really a crack? Probably no. It's preserved? Definitly yes! What side are you on? Note In the folder images/games/file_based there are two identical disk images with this program, but they are missing the splash screen and the instructions. Even TETRAS is slight different from the one in this uploaded image. Another version? Who knows... No Apples II where harmed in the making of this (almost) crack.