I've uploaded the following files: Infocom.zip - contains these images: Deadline.dsk Enchanter.dsk Infidel.dsk Planetfall.dsk Starcross.dsk Suspended.dsk Witness.dsk Zork_1.dsk Zork_2.dsk Zork_3.dsk Stationfall.gz Hollywood_Hijinx.gz ftp.apple.asimov.net hasn't had Stationfall or Hollywood Hijinx before, so I felt I should make them available. As for the games in Infocom.zip, the old 40-column versions currently at Asimov are really annoying to play...so I'm providing newer versions (with the latest version of the story files AND the latest interpreter, Version M), which have 80-column capabilities. (Those old versions of Zork I and II are rare, so if you have those, don't get rid of 'em...but playing mine is a lot better.) I also have newer versions of most of the other Infocom games, with Interpreter Version M, so if you're interested, drop me an e-mail. - Ben Anderson killgard@hotmail.com