Use Locksmith Fast Backup or any other program that can ignore errors. Track $14 sector $06 is bad on both the original sides. Boot the copy and you get a I/O ERR screen. Let's do a little boot tracing: 0FEA:20 00 BD JSR $BD00 ; call RWTS 0FED:A9 00 LDA #$00 0FEF:85 48 STA $48 0FF1:90 02 BCC $0FF5 ; RWTS returns an error? 0FF3:A9 01 LDA #$01 ; yes 0FF5:8D 42 0F STA $0F42 ; no Easy way: put a couple of NOP in place of BCC Hard?!?! way: normalize the RWTS BE40:20 C2 B8 JSR $B8C2 ; Post nibble convert routine BE43:AE F8 05 LDX $05F8 ; $05F8 = Slot BE46:18 CLC ; Put here a SEC as in original DOS 3.3 BE47:24 38 BIT $38 Track $02 Sector $04 Byte $46 change $18 to $38. Notes - As far as I am aware in all the previous cracks, even in the .nib images already presents in this archive, either the elevator (lift) door animation or the skiing sequence are broken. Read the comments to this YouTube video: - Not the best game, dull parser and black aura shapes. - I don't want to phone to Mike Feldman.