Card Slot Check from Mabel's Mansion (present on track $18, sector $0F) 7D00- A2 07 LDX #$07 7D02- A0 00 LDY #$00 7D04- A9 00 LDA #$00 7D06- 8D 00 C7 STA $C700 7D09- AD 00 C7 LDA $C700 7D0C- D0 06 BNE $7D14 7D0E- 88 DEY 7D0F- D0 F3 BNE $7D04 7D11- 4C 00 C6 JMP $C600 7D14- CE 08 7D DEC $7D08 7D17- CE 0B 7D DEC $7D0B 7D1A- CA DEX 7D1B- D0 E5 BNE $7D02 // For additional interest, the code continues into a loop to decode the rest of the program. // There is another loop that runs a checksum on the code, and jumps to a reset/reboot routine if modified. // The checksum routine is called several times from different locations. 7D1D- A9 00 LDA #$00 7D1F- 8D FF 7D STA $7DFF 7D22- A0 FF LDY #$FF 7D24- B9 FF A5 LDA $A5FF,Y 7D27- 59 00 A6 EOR $A600,Y 7D2A- 99 00 A6 STA $A600,Y 7D2D- 88 DEY 7D2E- C0 FF CPY #$FF 7D30- D0 F2 BNE $7D24 7D32- CE 26 7D DEC $7D26 7D35- CE 29 7D DEC $7D29 7D38- CE 2C 7D DEC $7D2C 7D3B- AD 29 7D LDA $7D29 7D3E- C9 7D CMP #$7D 7D40- D0 E2 BNE $7D24 7D42- A9 EA LDA #$EA 7D44- 8D 29 A4 STA $A429 7D47- 8D 2A A4 STA $A42A 7D4A- 4C 02 7E JMP $7E02 To make Mabel's Mansion playable in AppleWin, sector edit: Track $1A, sector $19, byte 6B: change from D7 to 1E (this will decode to a RTS instruction after being XOR'd) Track $01, sector $01, byte 6F: change from 00 to 1D (this will modify what was a JMP $7D00 to JMP $7D1D) Both of these changes bypasses the card slot check. Presumably this was to detect the presence of copy cards back in the day. Hot Rod June 2012