The disk can be copied except for track $22. Booting the copy and we get stucked in a re-boot loop. There are only 2 files in the catalog. The usual HELLO only load SPOCKS BRAIN, the worst episode ever. Use the Great Teacher to improve your Apple II smartness: Boot the copy and press CTRL-C, BLOAD SPOCKS BRAIN, CALL-151, 2000L. ... 2025- 20 30 20 JSR $2030 ; execute some subroutine 2028- F0 03 BEQ $202D ; if it returns 0 continue 202A- 4C 00 C6 JMP $C600 ; otherwise reboot 202D- 4C 09 9E JMP $9E09 ; continue ... Bones now must do some brain surgery: 2025- 4C 09 9E JMP $9E09 ; bypass check BSAVE SPOCKS BRAIN,A$2000,L1457 He's alive Jim!