This is version A:02, there is already version A:03 in this folder: images/disk_utils/diagnostics/COMPUTER_CHECKUP.dsk Use Locksmith Fast Backup to get a copy. Boot the copy, it hangs after the splash screen. Look at the code: why it "clean" the $1700 memory area? Let's do a little boot tracing. At address $1747 there is a nibble counting routine, it returns the results in Reg.Y - Mem. $3A and Reg.A - Mem. $3B. Digging more in the code and you will found that the "magic number" are $29 for Reg.Y - Mem. $3A and $0C for Reg.A - Mem. $3B. Use a disk editor, search for $20 $47 $17 - JSR $1747. Found it at: track $01 sector $09 byte $3F. Change to $A0 $29 $A9 $0C $60 - LDY #$29 LDA #$0C RTS