Intro: ====== Asimov is the name of an Internet FTP server that has quite a lot Apple II software on it. They are stored as disk image files. After downloading and decompressing such files, you can use either DSK2FILE or this program to transfer the data from the file to a 5.25" disk. IMPORTANT: This program is for the Apple IIGS only! Usage: ====== When you start the program, you will get a menu: About Asimov Displays credits. Create DISK from .dsk file Lets you select a disk image file (usually has the appendix ".dsk" and writes this file to the 5.25" disk in drive one. Please note that that disk has to be formatted with either DOS or ProDOS before. Create .dsk FILE from disk This will instantly read the 5.25" disk in drive one and save the contents of the disk to a file you specify. Storage order Use this option to toggle storage order between DOS 3.3 and ProDOS order. The storage order is just the way a disk read out / written. Usually, an emulator requires a specific order, or you can toggle it. Most emulators have their default set to DOS 3.3 order. Quit Leave the program. You can quit to ProDOS, restart, boot slot 6 or do a "Hardboot" on slot 6. This means that the Startup Slot of the GS in the Control Panel is set to 6 before the GS will be restarted. Author: ======= Jesse Blue / Ninjaforce Contact me / us via e-mail: