ProScreen Toner v1.01 Written by The Captain/SoftWare Attack Team For ACOS v1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Reuires 65C02 or better Date started: 4/22/89 Date completed: 4/25/89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProScreen "Toner" is a re-written version of the PROSCRN file that many Acos systems use. The orignal PROSCRN program gave the sysop the ability to view ProTerm Special Emulation (PTSE) and DM1500 graphics. The orignal was a masterpeice of the sacred art of "Bumming Code". This version of PROSCRN is even more bummed - in fact, from the orignal 768 byte length of PROSCRN, 117 bytes removed - just bairly enough for the tone generator routines, which occupy 116 bytes. Installing ProScreen Toner is quite simple. You simple launch Basic.System and exicute the following: ]Bload ACOS.OBJ ]Bload Pscrn.Toner.Bin ]Bsave ACOS.OBJ Simple, quick, to the point. Now, you have the PTSE "Tone" generation ability (which will be described shortly), so you can hear what's going on. HOWEVER, there /are/ some changes that you may not care for: (1) The "[ Page : On ]" and "[ Exec : On ]" text has been changed (I needed the space). You now see, respectivly, "-P-A-G-E-" and "-E-X-E-C-" on the center top line of your User Stats display. (2) I prefer to use a grey-underscore character instead of the white one. However, you can change this to whatever you please: ]Bload ACOS.OBJ (with Pscrn.Toner.Bin loaded in it already) ]Poke 2810,223 (changes it back to the white underscore) ]Bsave ACOS.OBJ (3) In order to make room and speed the display up microscopicly, I had to use the zero-page locations $A0 to $A8. ACOS doesn't use these, and it's a safe enough bet that "USE" files won't either, but if you encounter strange things happening with a "USE" file or two, either dump the "USE" file or revert back to the orignal PROSCRN program. Playing tones with ProScreen Toner and/or ProTerm using PTSE: Control-T chr$(20) 1-127 1-127 1-127 The "1-127" values are ascii control codes, from 1 (control-A) to 127 (the Delete key). You simply string them together like this: print chr$(20)chr$(tone1)chr$(tone2)chr$(duration); Note the ";" character on the end - this prevents printing an extra return, which will move the cursor! If is equal a value of 1 (control-A), then single, pure tones are produced, using the value of If is greater than a value of 1 (control-B to Delete), then "Dual Tones" are generated. The effect produced can range from quite good to total junk. To test ProScreen Toner out, or to just change the logon tone: print chr$(20);"012"; That plays a rather decent sounding low-pitched "organ" sound. However, that sends it out over both ends. To just play it on your end: print #3,chr$(20);"012"; Note: the tone routines are the EXACT SAME ONES being used in ProTerm v2.1. I simply lifted the code out of PT2.1 and stuffed them into ProScreen Toner. Therefor, what you hear on your end WILL BE exactly what will be heard on the other end.