I went through the following four archives: /pub/apple_II/emulators/mess/... Software_Collection_for_MESS_Emulator-Apple II Series Included_vol_1.zip Software_Collection_for_MESS_Emulator-Apple II Series Included_vol_2.zip Software_Collection_for_MESS_Emulator-Apple II Series Included_vol_3.zip Software_Collection_for_MESS_Emulator-Apple II Series Included_vol_4.zip ... and removed all the the non-Apple II files (Commodore, Atari, etc). I found that the Apple II content was also duplicated multiple times in all four archives, in various subfolders and zip files with different names, but identical content. I stripped all that out too, leaving only a single copy of the following folders: TOSEC-Apple II TOSEC-Apple II GS Software Image Collection TOSEC-Lisa This cleanup reduced the total archive size to about half a gigabyte from more than 42.9 GB.