Fatcat ------ A Beagle Brothers product written by Alan Bird Soft Docs brought to you by: GS WorldView Fatcat is a "multiple-disk catalog" program that reads and organizes all of your Apple DOS 3.3 and ProDOS file names together into one or more "Master Catalog" files. Each Master Catalog may be sorted, searched, printed, and saved on disk, thus becoming a handy referance guide to your personal library. Master Catalogs may be updated at any time by reading in new or altered disks. Fatcat lets you assign an optional short File Description" for each file name in each Master Catalog. DOS 3.3 disks may be assigned a descriptive "Disk Title" that will optionally appear at the top of each disk's normal Catalog. KEYCHART OPTIONS (1) and (!) Catalog Drive 1 and 2 Pressing "1" or "!" (shift-1) will catalog the disk in Drive 1 or 2, respecively. DOS 3.3 disks will catalog normally. ProDOS catalogs will show you the main directory plus ALL of the files in ALL catalog sublevels. (2) Disk Names Pressing "2" will let you perform several functions concerning disk names-- 1.Display the disk names of all disks that have been read so far into the Master Catalog in memory. 2.Display the name of the disk currently in the Subject Drive. 3.Add or change the name of the disk in the Subject Drive. Disk Names in DOS 3.3 Catalogs Fatcat will let you specify that a disk's name will appear as a title when you execute a normal DOS 3.3 "CATALOG" command. Try this feature on a backup of a disk and see if you like it. Deleting a Disk Title To delete a Disk Title from the catalog, select keychart option 2 (Disk Names) then screen menu option 3 (Change Disk Name). Type the disk's name and answer "N" to "Name in Catalogs?". (3) Read Sublect Disk Into Memory Type "3" to read the directory (catalog) of a Subject Disk into memory. As the directory is read, the disk's name is displayed, followed by each file name and a number indicating its current position in the Master Catalog. If a disk has never been read by Fatcat, it will assign an invisible ID number. If it has not been assigned a name, you will be asked to name it. Don't miss this opportunity to name your disk; you'll be glad you did later. After naming a 3.3 disk, you will be asked if you want the name to appear at the top of your catalogs. Answer "Y" or "N". If "Y" is your answer, stand by while Fatcat rearranges your catalog and adds the title. F7: (4) Clear Memory Type "4" if you want to erase the current Master Catalog from memory and start a new one. This should be done if you are starting another (be sure you save the first one on disk), or if you simply want to start over again. (5) Load Master Catalog Into Memory Type "5" to load a Master catalog from disk into memory. This must be done before you can update, list or print a Master Catalog. Mater Catalog file names are preceeded by a "MC." prefix. Do not type this prefix when loading (or saving) Mater Catalogs from Fatcat. (6) Save Master Catalog Type "6" to save the Master Catalog that is currently in memory onto a disk. You must use a disk with enough free space---about 100 free sectors for each Master Catalog. If Fatcat gives you a "Disk Full" error message, you will have to insert another disk with plenty of free space. Master Catalog file names are automatically prefixed with "MC." Do not type this prefix when saving Master Catalogs from Fatcat. (7) Printer Off/On Type "7" to get your printer ready for one of these print functions: o CATALOG A DISK o DISPLAY MASTER CATALOG o SEARCH Each of these functions will print only on the screen (not the printer) unless you have pressed "7" to connect your printer. Each "7" keypress toggles from Off to On and back again. The Off/On status is always displayed in the middle of the screen in the Keychart Command mode. By the way, Fat cat has no way of knowing if your printer itself is turned on (or even plugged in, for that matter). Option 7 just gets it ready to print if it is. When the printing function is completed, the printer is automatically disconnected (Off). You will need to reactivate it (On) to print something else. (8) Display Master Catalog Typing "8" will list the Master Catalog in memory to the screen (printer Off) or to your printer (printer On: option 7). This option assumes there is a Master Catalog in memory. Press any key to pause the display and any key to resume. Press Esc or control-C to terminate the listing. (9) Add File Descriptions Type "9" to add File Descriptions to any or all file names in a Master Catalog. File Descriptions allow you to do searches on them. For example, you can search for and list all of the file names with a "GAMES" description. File Descriptions appear in parenthesis in the Master Catalog after the main field information. F7::59 Here is the proceedure for adding File Descriptions: Select keychart option 9. Fatcat will first ask "Stop at Each File Name?". IF YOU ANSWER "Y", each appropriate File Name will be displayed one at a time, and you will select a File Description from a menu at the top of the screen. Something like this: 1:BACKUP 2:DATA 3:DATA 4:GAME 5:HIRES PIC 6:UTILITY If you want to select a File Description that doesn't appear in the menu, press "A" to add a new one (9 characters or less). If you want to rename a description, type "R". There is a maximum of 45 File Descriptions. IF YOU ANSWER "N" to "Stop at Each File Name?", you will then select a "Search Type": 1.FILE NAME 2.DISK NAME 3.FILE TYPE 4.FILE DESCRIPTION If you select 1 (File Name) or 2 (Disk Name), you will be asked to type in a Search Word. If you select 3 (File Type) or 4 (File Description), you will select from a menu on the screen. (0) Delete Files Type "0" if you want to delete some file names from a Master Catalog. The files to be deleted are selected with a search word (see "search Words") If you answer "Y" to "Stop at Each File Name?", Fatcat will stop at each file name that matches your search word and ask if you want to delete it. If you answer "N" to "Stop at Each File Name?", Fatcat will automatically list each file name it thinks it should delete. You will then have the oppertunity of approving the list before actuall deletion. (-) Sort Master Catalog (":" key on Apple II+) Select this option to alphabetize your Master Catalog by disk name or file name, or to sort it numerically by sector size, or to group it by file type or File Description. Sorting will occur ONLY IN MEMORY, not on the disk. You must save your Master Catalog (option 6) after sorting if you want to keep it in sorted form. Sorting alphabetically by file name before any other type of sort is often a good idea. For example, if you sort by file name, then by disk name, the files will be grouped alphabetically within each disk name group. A Master Catalog may be displayed or saved or updated in its sorted form. (=) Search Master Catalog ("-" on Apple II+) Select this option to search through the Master Catalog and list or print those entries that match a search word (see below). Connect your printer first (option 7) if you want a search to be printed. Note: If you sort a Master Catalog before you use the Search option, you will, of course, get a sorted search. SEARCH WORDS A search word is simply all or part of the word(s) to be searched for. For example, a file name search on the search word "CAL" would select the file names VISICAC, CALIFRAGIC and LOCAL NEWS. F7: [ 07 Mins]-[AE]-[? = Help]Give2 me: [ 08 Mins]-[AE]-[? = Help]Catalog->