Cheating at OMEGA - getting level "Omega" clearance and generaly kicking the game's ass. First off, you need to acutally have an Id.Disc setup by the game - in other words, you've gotta be playing first. Next, enter "Design" and select Design Cybertank. Select "New" - you want to make a new one. Let's call it "Target" Select "Chassis", and the worst of everything - don't bother with any of the "Special" gizmos, just with the other junk. If you have extra cash, leave it - you're building the target for you to blow away. Select "AI" and enter the following: program turn left 1 move forward 2 turn right 2 move forward 2 branch to program "Authorize" this tank and save everything - select "ECM" so that everything gets saved off. Now boot your file-copy program. You should make a copy of either your Omega 3.5 or your Omega "/system/" disk [the boot disk] - this is what we need to screw with. In any case, select DELETE FILE or whatever, and delete all the files from the "/system/cetanks" directory [3.5": /o/dir1/cetanks/] - that WAS a list of the tanks that you're go up aganst in Clearance Evaluation. Now select COPY FILE, and copy the "O.TARGET" [the sitting duck tank you just made] from your Id.Disc to the .../cetanks directory. Copy it 7 more times - use "F2" "f3" etc as filenames when your copy program bitches 'cause of dup filenames. When you have 8 copies of "O.Target" [most renamed, of course], select RENAME FILES and change them to this list: BUSTER DINKY DUCKY EIDOLON INTREPID MIRAGE OGRE PANDA Check and double-check your work. If all looks good, boot the game. What happened, you say? Well, in the ../cetanks subdir is the 8 tanks that the game throws at you for each level of clearance evaluation. PANDA is tough, and OGRE is impossible. So all you did was create a tank that travels in a drunk line and doesn't shoot back.