The archives PP.4.2.SHK and PPBACK.4.2.SHK contain version 4.2 of PRODESK PLUS, a ProDOS 8 selector and utilities package. To make it work properly it is important that you proceed as follows: 1. Either format one 3.5" disk as /PP, or format one 5.25" disk as /PP and another one as /PP.BACK. If you like using both sides of 5.25" disks, use the back side of /PP for /PP.BACK. 2. Unpack all files in PP.4.2.SHK to the disk /PP. If /PP is a 3.5" disk, then unpack the contents of PPBACK.4.2.SHK to the same disk. Else unpack PPBACK.4.2.SHK to /PP.BACK. 3. Add (8-bit) ProDOS and BASIC.SYSTEM to the disk /PP. (It is important that this is done AFTER the unpacking of PP.4.2.SHK.) 4. Boot the disk /PP in any drive, or run the file CQ.SYSTEM from another program selector. 5. When you see ProDesk's main menu, press to activate DOGPAW (the text reader). 6. Use the arrow keys to place the cursor at the file PP.READFIRST.4.2. Press to read the file, which introduces you to ProDesk. 7. Complete information about how to use ProDesk and how to configure it to your needs is contained in the on-disk manual (PP.HELP.4.0) and in the update file (PP.READ.ME.4.2).