Apple II Technical Notes _____________________________________________________________________________ Developer Technical Support Mouse #7: Mouse Clamping Revised by: Matt Deatherage November 1988 Written by: Rilla Reynolds October 1986 This Technical Note describes the different methods available for obtaining mouse clamping values on different Apple II family machines. _____________________________________________________________________________ AppleMouse Card The AppleMouse card delivers clamping values on request. There is no specific mouse routine to obtain the clamping values, but an internal routine may be used by the mouse card to return them. The values are returned as minimum and maximum values of X and Y clamps, both low and high bytes. Note: The following code is the only supported use of the $Cn1A offset into the mouse card firmware, and this entry point is not available in any other mouse firmware implementation. GetClamp LDA #$4E STA $478 ;Needed by Mouse Card firmware LDA #$00 STA $4F8 ;Needed by Mouse Card firmware STA Tmp ;Zero-page word for indirect addressing LDA #CN ;$C, obtained prior to this rtn STA Tmp+1 ;$C00, Mouse Card firmware main entry STA ToCard+2 LDY #$1A LDA (Tmp),Y STA ToCard+1 ;Mouse Card firmware GetClamp entry LDA #7 STA BytePtr LDY #N0 ;$0, for Mouse Card firmware GetByte LDX #CN ;$C, for Mouse Card firmware LDA #0 ;Needed by Mouse Card firmware JSR ToCard LDA $578 ;Clamp byte returned by Mouse Card firmware LDX BytePtr STA Byte,X DEC $478 DEX STX BytePtr BPL GetByte RTS ToCard JMP $0000 ;Operand modified by rtn Byte DS 8,0 ;MinXH,MinYH,MinXL,MinYL,MaxXH,MaxYH,MaxXL,MaxYL BytePtr DS 1,0 Apple IIc For the Apple IIc, you can get clamping values by reading the following auxiliary memory screen holes: $47D MinXL $67D MaxXL $4FD MinYL $6FD MaxYL $57D MinXH $67D MaxXH $5FD MinYH $6FD MaxYH Apple IIGS On the Apple IIGS, the Miscellaneous Tool Set call GetMouseClamp returns the mouse clamp values as four words on the stack. This call is documented in the Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference, Volume 1. Further Reference o Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference, Volume 1