10 TEXT : HOME 20 D$ = CHR$ (4) 30 PRINT D$;"PR#3": PRINT 40 PRINT "AppleWorks Interface Card Configuration Utility"; 50 POKE 36,69: PRINT "Version A02"; 60 PRINT "Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984"; 70 POKE 36,67: PRINT "July 13, 1984"; 80 VTAB 6: PRINT "This utility allows you to configure a copy of "; 90 PRINT "the AppleWorks Startup disk to" 100 PRINT "work with several parallel interface cards. Important notes:" 110 PRINT : PRINT "- DO NOT USE YOUR ORIGINAL APPLEWORKS STARTUP DISK. "; 120 PRINT " Use this utility only on" 130 PRINT " a backup copy (an exact copy) of the AppleWorks Startup Disk." 140 PRINT : PRINT "- DO NOT USE THIS UTILITY IF YOU HAVE AN APPLE "; 150 PRINT "II PARALLEL INTERFACE CARD" 160 PRINT " (A2B0021) OR FULLY COMPATIBLE CARD. AppleWorks prints "; 170 PRINT "properly on these" 180 PRINT " cards without modification. A disk that has been "; 190 PRINT "configured with this" 200 PRINT " utility will no longer run correctly with the Apple II "; 210 PRINT "Parallel Interface" 220 PRINT " Card." 230 PRINT : PRINT "- Apple cannot guarantee that this utility will "; 240 PRINT "make AppleWorks compatible" 250 PRINT " with any given parallel interface card. The only reliable "; 260 PRINT "way to check" 270 PRINT " compatibility is to test your configured AppleWorks with "; 280 PRINT "the card in" 290 PRINT " question. For additional information, see your "; 300 PRINT "authorized Apple dealer." 310 VTAB 4: FOR I = 1 TO 80: PRINT "_";: NEXT I 320 VTAB 22: FOR I = 1 TO 80: PRINT "_";: NEXT I: PRINT 330 VTAB 24: PRINT "Press RETURN to continue or ESCAPE to stop. "; 340 INVERSE : PRINT " ";: NORMAL : PRINT CHR$ (8); 350 IF PEEK (49152) < 128 THEN 350 360 IF PEEK (49152) = 155 THEN POKE 49168,0: TEXT : HOME : END 370 IF PEEK (49158) < > 141 THEN 350 380 POKE 49168,0 390 POKE 34,4: HOME 400 VTAB 22: FOR I = 1 TO 80: PRINT "_";: NEXT I: PRINT 410 GOSUB 10000 1000 POKE 49168,0 1010 HOME 1020 VTAB 11: PRINT "Remove the AppleWorks Interface Configuration Utility" 1030 PRINT "from the disk drive." 1040 VTAB 14: PRINT "Place your COPY of the AppleWorks STARTUP disk in "; 1050 PRINT "Drive 1." 1060 VTAB 24: PRINT "Press RETURN to continue or ESCAPE to stop. "; 1070 INVERSE : PRINT " ";: NORMAL : PRINT CHR$ (8); 1080 IF PEEK (49152) < 128 THEN 1080 1090 IF PEEK (49152) = 155 THEN POKE 49168,0: TEXT : HOME : GOTO 10 1100 IF PEEK (49158) < > 141 THEN 1080 1110 HOME : VTAB 12: HTAB 26: PRINT "Configuring AppleWorks Disk" 1120 POKE 49168,0 1130 ONERR GOTO 2000 1140 PRINT D$;"BLOAD /APPLEWORKS/APLWORKS.SYSTEM,A$2000,T$FF" 1150 POKE 11556,MA(1): POKE 11557,MA(2): POKE 11558,MA(3): POKE 11559,MA(4) 1160 POKE 11560,MA(5) 1170 POKE 12902,71 1180 PRINT D$;"BSAVE /APPLEWORKS/APLWORKS.SYSTEM,A$2000,L6499,T$FF" 1190 HOME : VTAB 12: HTAB 33: PRINT "Configuration Successful" 1200 VTAB 18:PRINT "To configure another copy, replace the disk in Drive 1" 1210 PRINT "with another copy of the AppleWorks Startup Disk.": GOTO 1060 1220 DATA 3,137,176,206,0: REM (String length)(CTRL-I)(ZERO)(N)(null) 1230 DATA 4,137,185,185,206: REM (length)(CTRL-I)"99N" 1240 DATA 2,137,206,00,00: REM (length)(CTRL-I)"N" 1250 END 2000 POKE 216,0 2010 IF PEEK (222) = 8 THEN 2040: REM I/O ERROR 2020 IF PEEK (222) = 6 THEN 2080: REM COULD NOT FIND FILE 2030 IF PEEK (222) = 4 THEN 2130: REM DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED 2040 HOME : VTAB 10: PRINT "Cannot read your Disk": PRINT 2050 PRINT "Make sure that you have a copy of AppleWorks in the drive," 2060 PRINT "and the drive door is closed" 2070 GOTO 2160 2080 HOME : VTAB 10 2090 PRINT "Cannot find the disk or file that requires changing." 2100 PRINT "Make sure you have a copy of the AppleWorks STARTUP" 2110 PRINT "disk in the drive and the drive door is closed." 2120 GOTO 2160 2130 HOME : VTAB 10: PRINT "Your disk is Write Protected.": PRINT 2140 PRINT "Remove the Write Protect Tab from your disk, place it back" 2150 PRINT "in the drive, and close the door" 2160 POKE 34,23: HOME : POKE 34,4 2170 VTAB 24: PRINT "Press RETURN to continue or ESCAPE to stop. ";: INVERSE :PRINT " ";: NORMAL 2180 IF PEEK (49152) < 128 THEN 2180 2190 IF PEEK (49152) = 155 THEN POKE 49168,0: GOTO 10 2200 IF PEEK (49152) < > 141 THEN 2180 2210 POKE 49168,0 2220 HOME : GOTO 1040 10000 REM MENU FOR INTERFACE CARD SELECTION 10010 POKE 35,24: RESTORE 10020 VTAB 9: HTAB 30: PRINT "1. Grappler or PKASO" 10030 VTAB 11: HTAB 30: PRINT "2. TYMAC OR Microtek" 10040 VTAB 13: HTAB 30: PRINT "3. Practical Peripherals" 10050 VTAB 15: HTAB 30: PRINT "4. An interface card not named here" 10060 VTAB 24: PRINT "PLEASE SELECT: ESC to exit selection"; 10070 FOR I = 1 TO 29: PRINT CHR$ (8);: NEXT I: INVERSE : PRINT " ";: NORMAL 10080 IF PEEK (49152) < 128 THEN 10080 10090 A = PEEK (49152) 10100 IF A = 177 THEN 10160 10110 IF A = 178 THEN 10170 10120 IF A = 179 THEN 10190 10130 IF A = 180 THEN 10210 10140 IF A = 155 THEN POKE 49168,0: GOTO 10 10150 GOTO 10080 10160 FOR X = 1 TO 5: READ A:MA(X) = A: NEXT X: RETURN 10170 FOR X = 1 TO 5: READ A: NEXT X: PRINT "#" 10180 FOR X = 1 TO 5: READ A:MA(X) = A: NEXT X: RETURN 10190 FOR X = 1 TO 10: READ A: NEXT X: PRINT "##" 10200 FOR X = 1 TO 5: READ A:MA(X) = A: NEXT X: RETURN 10210 HOME 10220 VTAB 22: FOR I = 1 TO 80: PRINT "_";: NEXT I: PRINT 10230 POKE 35,21: HOME 10240 POKE 49168,0 10250 PRINT : PRINT "This selection is for use only if one of the other "; 10260 PRINT "selections will not work" 10270 PRINT "with your interface card. If you do not have one of the "; 10280 PRINT "listed cards, try the" 10290 PRINT "different selections first, many interface cards work "; 10300 PRINT "in the same way.": PRINT 10310 PRINT "If after trying all the selections your interface card "; 10320 PRINT "still does not work, use" 10330 PRINT "this selection. Enter a sequence to initialize your "; 10340 PRINT "interface card. It can" 10350 PRINT "be up to 4 characters long, and should make your "; 10360 PRINT "interface card turn off screen" 10370 PRINT "output and print 80 columns." 10380 PRINT 10390 VTAB 15: PRINT "Number of Characters (1-4) : (ESC to exit)"; 10400 FOR I = 1 TO 18: PRINT CHR$ (8);: NEXT I: INVERSE : PRINT " "; 10410 NORMAL : PRINT CHR$ (8); 10420 IF PEEK (49152) < 128 THEN 10420 10430 A = PEEK (49152): IF (A < 177 OR A > 180) AND A < > 155 GOTO 10420 10440 IF A = 155 THEN POKE 49168,0: GOTO 10 10450 MA(1) = A - 176: PRINT MA(1) 10460 POKE 49168,0 10470 FOR I = 1 TO MA(1) 10480 PRINT "Decimal equivalent of character "I" :";: INPUT "";MA(I) 10490 NEXT I 10500 PRINT : RETURN