Palette Puller Version 1.0 by Ed Robisheaux 71435,235 Palette Puller is an NDA to assist programmers or the curious wishing to see the red, green, and blue color values comprising all 16 gs color palettes. This NDA works in both 320 and 640 mode. This NDA was written in ORCA/M assembler. You will be surprised at the palettes you can discover in different desktop gs applications! In 320 mode all 16 colors are indicated for the selected color palette. Use the right, left, up, or down arrow keys to scroll through all 16 palettes. As you change palettes, the color boxes change, and you will be able to see the color values needed to produce that color. For example, suppose we are looking at palette #0 (palettes are numbered 0-15), and we look at the line entry for color #5. If you are using Paintworks Gold, you will most likely see a green box preceeded by the numbers $0 $8 $0. The numbers indicate the red (0), green (8), and blue (0) components needed to produce that color. These are hex numbers, that is they begin with 0 and end with f. A value of $e = 14. In 640 mode only 4 colors are possible. However, by dithering the screen, that is, by carefully positioning which of the 4 colors are painted on the screen next to each other, the eye will blend these two colors to form an entirely new color, a dithered color. In 640 mode the palette puller will dither the screen on the right side of the dividing line. The left side shows the colors undithered with the red, green, and blue component. Experimenting with the Palette Puller in many different gs applications will show you that most gs programs rarely use any palette other than palette 0, and that many of the palettes will be all black, or will not be set up for nice dithering in 640 mode. Try palette 15 {$0F} in PaintWorks Gold and you will see a very nice palette for 320 mode, but when you switch to 640 mode, you will see that this color palette is not set up for good dithering at all. Installation Instructions: Copy the file Palette.Puller to the /system/desk.accs/ folder. Use and icon editor to install the palette puller finder icon into an icon file in the icons folder. Reboot. Go into a desktop application such as the Finder, Paintworks, DeluxePaint, etc, and choose Palette Puller from the Apple Menu. Palette Puller is freeware, but I reserve all copyrights. This NDA has been tested extensively and has never caused a crash, but should you experience problems, please let me know so I can correct the code causing the problem. When you switch from palette to palette colors on the screen will change, but Palette Puller restores all line SCBs before shutting down. Ed Robisheaux 71435,235 October 7, 1988