The Desktop Picture NDA : "Mural" ----------------------- by George Grant Copyright (C)1989 by George Grant -- version 1.3 : 8/11/89 About the NDA... ---------------- Yes, here it is! That luxury those Mac owners have had for too long... Mural replaces the normal "periwinkle-blue" desktop with a picture of anything you want. This NDA was programmed in TML Pascal (hooray for TML Systems!), and is only 2 pages of source code. Although it was programmed under GS/OS System Disk 5.0, there is no reason why it should not be able to run under System 4.0; it uses no routines specific to the new System Disk. How To Use it... ---------------- Well! Look at the new version number! We've come a long way in a day! Especially a weekday! We're now up to version 1.3, which means that Mural has gotten even BETTER! The random Apple Menu crash bug has been fixed, and now the Mural NDA is selectable from the Apple Menu. From the Mural window, you can click in a button to load in a new picture at any time. This picture can now be type $C0 (packed by DeluxePaint II) OR of type $C1 (uncompressed). To have a start-up desktop picture, place an UNCOMPRESSED (type $C1) picture in your BOOT DISK's "/SYSTEM/DESK.ACCS" folder. Name the file "Mural.Pic". When you boot up into the (System 5.0) Finder, the screen will momentarily flash the new desktop picture, then return to the Finder display; the Finder uses special commands for its desktop icons which make it impossible (well, o.k., pretty hard...) to put a picture on ITS desktop. Mural is hardy enough to work in AppleWorks GS, though! Mural will work in either 320 or 640 mode without picture distortion. Troubleshooting... ------------------ Q: Hmm. Mural won't read my packed picture file. Why not? A: When loading a type $C0 (packed) file from the Mural window, Mural at this time can only read DeluxePaint-type packed pictures, so be sure your file was packed in a DPaint-type manner. (For the techies, type $C0, auxtype $02). Q: Help! Mural says my picture file couldn't be read! What do I do? A: Are you SURE that the picture you have in the "/Desk.Accs" folder is of type $C1? Use the Finder "Icon Info..." item to find out. Q: Hey! Mural says it coudn't find its picture file! A: Be SURE that you put the "Mural.Pic" file in the "/Desk.Accs" folder of the "/System" folder of your SYSTEM DISK; i.e. the DISK YOU _BOOT_ WITH. Future Versions... ------------------ Here's the planned stuff for the next versions... v1.0: Fix random Apple Menu crash problem v1.1: Add ability to load in a new picture at any time v1.2: Add ability to load type $C0 (packed) files.