Hello, this is a port of flex 2.3 patchlevel 8. Flex generates tokenizer programs, see also bison. The Makefile is somewhat inferior to the Unix makefile, this is because dmake has not been fully ported yet, so I'm stuck with fmake which only implements a make subset. So, before you build flex from the source, copy initscan.c to scan.c. Also make sure you have bison installed, because flex needs it to build itself. 'flex -ist8 scan.l >scan.c' should generate a file which looks exactly like initscan.c. If not, something went wrong. For now, I am only releasing the binary of Flex because a) I want to test it some more and b) The source has some ugly kludges in it to work around some ORCA/C 2.0 bugs. Once C 2.1 is out, I'll release the source too. Flex, like the latest release of bison, requires ORCA/Shell 2.0 or GNO/ME 1.0 (or later versions of these shells). Soenke Behrens, 1993 behrenss@informatik.tu-muenchen.de