These files constitute the latest upgrade to the AutoDa init. They are all set to go off 15 seconds after the system boots, call the NDA corresponding to the number, (Autoda5 would run the fifth NDA in the list) and then remove the Runq task that called it from the Runq, leaving the system free of any interruptions. Use it to call up a memopad NDA, or a reminder NDA (like Dates1.1) or whatever you want! This version waits until there are no windows open to display the NDA, thus preventing you from being trapped in a Standard File dialog, or an Alert window. Please give me some input if you like this file! My address is B.Gillespie3 on Genie. Look for other products from Jaunt! Software, such as my animation xcmd for Hypercard IIGS, or my Loadpall xcmd that converts Hypercard to a 320 multipallette program at will! Brian Gillespie, Jaunt! Software