HyperCard GS v1.1 Tips Unlocking Hypercard Stack By Rubywand You can unlock a Hypercard stack by pressing CTRL-M and entering the following in the Message window ... set cantModify of this stack to false .. This may not permit access to tools, etc. if the User Level is a low number. If this is the case, you can try entering this message ... set userLevel to 5 .. Unfortunately, this will not change User Level if User Level has been set to a low value via Protect Stack and the stack is password protected. If you do not have the password, you will not be able, via the message, to modify User Level above the level set (which is usually "1", the lowest). It is possible to make changes to Hypercard which prevent menus from being dimmed or eliminated and to make changes to a stack which permit setting User Level to "5". These changes are a bit of bother; but, they do circumvent password protection and permit editing, saving, etc. a stack. The ideal solution would remove password protection. A way to bypass the password check when Protect Stack is selected would be nearly as good. So far, I have not found a way to turn OFF or bypass the password check. If someone has done this, it would be interesting to hear about the details.