This converted text file was derived from a Mac HyperTalk - HyperCard Keywords DA. It's presented for reference use with HyperCard stack conversions needs from the Mac to the IIgs. That's all Folks :) MacProber ---------------------------------------- HyperTalk Keywords do expression do card field "Example" The do keyword causes HyperCard to evaluate expression and to send the result as a message to the current card. The value of expression can contain more than one line. For example, if you have a series of HyperTalk statements in a card field called Example, HyperCard will apply do to each line: ---------------------------------------- exit repeat exit functionName exit messageName exit to HyperCard The exit keyword allows you to halt the current flow of control. Exit repeat sends control to the end of a repeat structure, ending execution of the loop regardless of the state of the controlling conditions. ---------------------------------------- function functionName [parameterList ] statements end functionName The function keyword defines a new function handler of the specified name. You call a function by placing parantheses after its name: get deleteSpaces(" hello ") The optional parameterList allows a function handler to receive values sent along with the function call. ---------------------------------------- global variableList The global keyword makes a variable and its contents available to any handler in HyperCard. Changing the value of a global variable in any handler changes its value everywhere. Note: You must use the global keyword in each handler to declare the global variables you want to use. ---------------------------------------- if trueOrFalse then statements [else if trueOrFalse then statements ] [else statements ] end if The multiple-statement if structure tests the specified condition and executes one or more statements if the condition is true. The optional else if keywords allow alternative branches to be taken. ---------------------------------------- if trueOrFalse then statement  [else statement ] if trueOrFalse then statement [else if trueOrFalse then statement ] [else statement ] The single-statement if structure tests for the specified condition and executes one statement if the condition is true. The optional else if keywords allow alternative branches to be taken. ---------------------------------------- on messageName [parameterList ] statements end messageName The on keyword defines a new message handler of the specified name. The optional parameterList allows the handler to receive values sent along with a message. HyperCard assigns each value to a parameter variable in the parameterList. ---------------------------------------- pass functionName pass messageName The pass keyword ends execution of the current handler and sends the entire message that initiated execution of the handler to the next object in the message-passing order. (Ordinarily, once a message is handled, it does not continue along the message- passing order.) ---------------------------------------- repeat [forever] statements end repeat The repeat forever structure causes a loop to repeat continuously. If HyperCard finds exit repeat in the statements of the repeat loop, it continues running the handler starting from the first statement after end repeat. ---------------------------------------- repeat [for] posInteger [times] statements end repeat The repeat for structure causes a loop to repeat for a specified number of times. If HyperCard finds exit repeat in the statements of the repeat loop, it continues running the handler starting from the first statement after end repeat. ---------------------------------------- repeat until trueOrFalse statements end repeat The repeat until structure causes a loop to repeat as long as the condition is false. HyperCard checks the condition before the first and any subsequent iterations of the loop. If HyperCard finds exit repeat in the statements of the repeat loop, it continues running the handler starting from the first statement after end repeat. ---------------------------------------- repeat while trueOrFalse statements end repeat The repeat while structure causes a loop to repeat as long as the condition is true. HyperCard checks the condition before the first and any subsequent iterations of the loop. If HyperCard finds exit repeat in the statements of the repeat loop, it continues running the handler starting from the first statement after end repeat. ---------------------------------------- repeat with variableName =  integer1 to integer2 statements end repeat repeat with variableName =  integer1 down to integer2 statements end repeat The repeat with structure causes a loop to repeat until a variable with an inital value of integer1 is equal to the number integer2. ---------------------------------------- return expression The return keyword ends execution of a handler and, in function handlers, returns the value of expression to the handler that called the function. If return appears in a message handler (as opposed to a function handler), it ends execution of the handler and places the value of the expression into the HyperTalk function the result. ---------------------------------------- -end of text file conversion-