Sherwood Forest Walkthrough and Sherwood Forest Map .gif file From: Mary ("LaserDog") 1. At shallow pool, get whetstone. 2. Rob rich taxman. Get bag of gold. 3. Give Bag to Blind Beggar. Get Flint. 4. At Maid Marion, get awning. 5. At Blacksmith's, fix Grindstone (with whetstone). Get steel. 6. At haystack, bun hay (with steel and flint). Search ashes twice. Get Needle, thread and penny. Flint and steel are no longer needed. 7. In Tailor's shop, drop needle, thread and awning. Leave and return. Get and wear uniform. Take extra thread. 8. Little John will recognize your uniform and leave. 9. Outside the cave, drop all. Now try to push the boulder again. Get all. 10. At edge of cliff, jump, but only if you moved the boulder. 11. Inside the cave, get the crank, life jacket and dull axe. 12. Sharpen the axe at the blacksmith's shop. Drop the penny and thread. 13. At battlefield, insert crank in socket. ("Put" and related synonyms won't work.) Turn crank. Push button. 14. Chop tree. Get Pole. Go hole. Wear life jacket and uniform. 15. Pry boulder (with pole). Get blown into ocean. All objects except those being worn are lost. Swim around about four turns. 16. On trading ship, trade jacket. Get lute without strings. After being dropped off on pier, retrieve the penny and thread in the Blacksmith's. String lute. 17. On stage, dance first. Play lute, get charm. 18. At Maid Marion, wear uniform and charm. You also need the lute, and a clean face, if you haven't already washed at the Shallow pool. Kiss her now and she'll follow you anywhere! 19. Get married at the chapel. Be sure have penny. Get telescope. 20. At the battlefield, mount telescope. Look through it and turn crank until you are lined up on the Castle window. Push the button and live happily ever after. 21. Things not to do include: Jumping off pier, into stream at bridge, or from the rocky ledge (if boulder's not in place); attacking Little John or the Sheriff; pushing the catapult button before the crank is installed; going into the cave from the boulder side. (Try an obscenity.)