AT&F&D0 should work. And, you might want to also try AT&F alone. ATE and/or ATE1 have proven to work fine also. Check the ATI4 display to see the factory defaults. The main ones you may need to change follow; Q0 - Display result codes V1 - Verbal result codes X4 - Full set of result codes (might be X7 on the V.90 Sportster) &A3 - Display error control and compression codes &B1 - Fixed serial port speed &C1 - Normal CD &D0 - Override (ignore) DTR &H1 - Enable hardware (CTS) flow control &I0 - Disable software (XON/XOFF) flow control &K1 - Enable compression (auto-detect) &M4 - Enable error control &R2 - Send data on RTS &S0 - Override DSR (always on) Next, if any of those differ from what you get using AT&F, make the proper change to the init string. A hardware handshaking cable is required. A Sportster is a user helpful modem. Type AT$ for help with the main commands. From there, you can see that AT&$ and ATS$ will get you help with & commands and S-registers.