Spectrum 2.2 released The long awaited upgrade to Spectrum 2.2 is now released. For pricing and shipping details, please contact Seven Hills directly by Email at , or call voice (850) 575-0566 and leave a message. Short summary of the new features: Ê+ Spectrum now requires System 6.0.1. Ê+ Improved script execution speed. Ê+ Optimise scripts by compiling them. Ê+ Spectrum 2.2 and the XCMDs are Y2K compliant. Ê+ Optional Serial or TCP/IP environment. Ê+ Fully Integrated support for Marinetti 2.0. Ê+ Integrated multi-socket Telnet function. Ê+ Up to 32 simultaneous open TCP/IP connections. Ê+ View HTML files directly from within Spectrum. Ê+ Enhanced !Help! NDA includes Find function. Ê+ Internal support for Babelfish Import and Export. Ê+ Spectrum supports the Hierarchic Control Panel. Ê+ Updated Spectrum Port driver. Ê+ 57600 baud connections using Bernie ][ the Rescue. Ê+ More than 50 new or updated script commands. Ê+ More than 30 new replacement items. Ê+ Many enhanced and updated XCMDs: Ê+ The BinHQX XCMD now includes: ÊÊÊÊÊBinSCII encoding and decoding. ÊÊÊÊÊBinHex 4.0 encoding and decoding. ÊÊÊÊÊMIME Base 64 multipart encoding and decoding. ÊÊÊÊÊUUencode encoding and decoding. Ê+ Enhanced WorkBench XCMD replaces the ResEdit XCMD: ÊÊÊÊÊAccess and edit resource forks. ÊÊÊÊÊMake MessageCenter and IPC calls. ÊÊÊÊÊMake Toolbox & GS/OS calls. ÊÊÊÊÊPeek and Poke.