AppleWorks J __________________________________________________________________ Unable to Access Internal Drive of a IIc Plus with AppleWorks 2.0 __________________________________________________________________ When using AppleWorks 2.0 and an Apple IIc Plus computer, if the message, "Getting errors trying to read directory at Built-in disk" appears on the screen when trying to retrieve or save files to the built-in 3.5-inch disk drive, try the following: Set the current disk drive to Disk 3.5 #1. To change the current disk drive: choose Other Activities from the Main Menu, and then choose Select standard location of data disk. A list of available disk drives will be displayed. Select Disk 3.5 #1 and press Return. The name of the selected disk drive will then appear in the upper left corner of the AppleWorks screen. You can now access the built-in 3.5-inch disk drive. Since AppleWorks 2.0 was written before the creation of the Apple IIc Plus, it expects to find the built-in 5.25-inch disk drive of the original Apple IIc instead of the built-in 3.5-inch disk drive of the newer Apple IIc Plus. AppleWorks versions 2.1 and later solve this problem; they distinguish between the older IIc and the IIc Plus.